Tuesday, May 25, 2010


There are fae here who would like to ask you questions, but I’ve dealt with them. You don’t want your time here to be turned into one of their pieces, believe me. There are, as you would expect, fae who like to shine a light on the chaotic nature of the world, who like to take moments and shape them to something different, who take the smallest dissenting voice and make it sound like that is the true feelings of the populace, and they are as dangerous as any marsh light you would see.
Not all of them are like that, I will concede, but here, in the fae, it is better to be safe than to become the figurehead for something that could end up with you being shown as the bringer of destruction and discovery to a peaceful Court.
You laugh? You think that because there is a similar system in your world that the safety assured you in the small, low budget documentaries shown to the select few who seek them out will wrap around you here? Freedom of speech is not the shield here that it is your world.
Perhaps in your world there are not the inherent power imbalances there are in the fae. Perhaps in your world the systems, the checks and balances, for the presentation of the world in a factual way are different, with the power theoretically belonging to everyone but the ability to capture and distribute that reality controlled by the few. I have heard that there are secrets that have been uncovered, consciousness raising, reality shaking stories told to those who need to hear it, but perhaps there is not, and the myth is perpetuated to keep the dream of freedom alive. There are always debates about the reality of a situation, and though the idea of multiple realities is given lip-service among the new generations, there is still the pursuit of ‘truth’ and ‘freedom’ and ‘honour’ with such conviction and fervour that it is a wonder mortals have not made it a concrete thing to be pinned down and examined.
Still, there are those of your people who do shine a light on things that would be left unseen if those who it threatened were the ones the only ones who could legitimise the content. It is a hard battle these people fight, and it is a battle worth fighting. Of course, to gain the attention of the populace, some gatekeepers must be passed, some powerful allies must be found, or they must find a way to bypass them all together.
Here, it is simple. There are some things made that will not be seen because the bias is so clear, the twisted truth as difficult to believe as a promise from an illusion, and these things die their natural death. Sometimes though, the reasons behind the creation of such things is not seen, for years, for generations, in some cases perhaps never. Reality has value, truth has value, but it still must be sifted, the oats from the chaff, for what will be planted in the field for next season.

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